Selected Group Exhibitions
Qingdao Museum of Fine Arts, Qingdao, China - Qingdao International Artists Show, Celebration of The Coming 21st Century
The United Nations, New York City, New York - Towards a Society for All Ages: World Artists at the Millennium, presented in celebration of The International Year of Older Persons 1999, an exhibition which included Takao Araki, Enrico Baj, Will Barnet, Louise Bourgeois, Eric Bowen Nassos Daphnis, Johann Eyfells, Gordon Onslow Ford, Rosalie Gascoigne, Gunther Gerzso, Beatriz Gonzalez, Marcia Hafif, Samia Halaby, Carmen Herrera, Robert Hodgins, Patrick Ireland, Kamala Ibrahim Ishaq, Ilya Kabakov, Ken Kiff, Pavel Koichev, Karel Malich, Iba Ndiaye, Kenneth Noland, John Olsen, Philip Pavia, Otto Piene, George Rickey, Betye Saar, Esphyr Slobodkina, Juan Soriano, Jesus Rafael Soto, Esteban Vincente, Inson Wongsam and Yang Yanping
Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey - Asian Traditions/Modern Expressions, Asian American Artists and Abstraction, 1945 – 1970, an exhibition which included Chinese, Japanese and Korean artists
1980 The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York - American Drawing in Black & White: 1970-1980, drawing exhibition which included Anni Albers, Jasper Johns, Claes Oldenburg, Leonard Baskin, Alex Katz, Philip Pearlstein, William De Kooning, Jacob Kainen, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Diebenkorn, Ellsworth Kelly, Jack Tworkov, Jim Dine, Roy Lichtenstein, Al Held, Robert Motherwell, and Andy Warhol
National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. - First Group Show
Group Show, which included Kenneth Noland, Tom Downing, Mary Owen and Gene Davis, Washington, D. C.